“Unexpected” tiles in an old mosaic
Most of the projects of ES-Arch are geographically located in my hometown of Madesimo, an Alpine village in the province of Sondrio (Italy). The small village, located at 1,550 meters above sea level, has a predominantly touristic vocation, both in the summer and winter seasons. Each of the works of the studio aims at rediscovering the relationship with the context, by developing the architectural design in the light of its being part of a wider framework with blurred boundaries. Every little transformation, every project – however limited in size – turns out to be an act of transformation that is visible in the landscape at different levels. All kinds of interventions, such as the re-functionalisation of existing buildings, small extensions and new small constructions, seem to keep trying to shape the narrative of a different landscape. In most cases, the buildings on which work is carried out are ordinary architectural projects that do not determine the character of the landscape. The Alpine area is not only an idyllic environment, but also a place dense with contradictions, mistakes and inconsistencies. The Alpine landscape is a hybrid melting pot of cultures expressing different needs.