Tra polveri e ferite: il centro studi e ricerche Tassullo – gruppo miniera San Romedio a Tassullo

Between dust and wounds: the Tassullo study and research center -San Romedio mine in Tassullo

Between dust and wounds: the Tassullo study and research center -San Romedio mine in Tassullo


It is sometimes worthwhile to distance oneself from the limitations of modernity and focus on projects that for their impact and clarity have become reference points for their way of relating to contexts and time. Such is the case of the Study and Research Centre, built in the early 2000s by RuattistudioArchitetti for the historic company Tassullo Materiali Spa, now owned by the Miniera San Romedio group.
This project explores and focuses on the issues that characterise places, bringing their original and archaic dimensions back to life. It is based on a coherent and resonating architecture that echoes and is in harmony with the context; the building is rooted in the landscape and offers new viewpoints that allow us to see infinite possible landscapes. Here, more than in other projects, forms and symbols reveal and speak to us about the rural fabric of the valley, creating semantic fields of agricultural and cultural values that connect “text” and context.