Was kennzeichnet einen Holzbau?

What characterises a wooden building?

The new online encyclopaedia www.holzbaukultur.ch from the Bern University of Applied Sciences presents Swiss timber buildings across six centuries and shows lineages of development. The wide range of examples initiates a debate about the characteristics of timber buildings. Switzerland is generally associated with craftsmanship and traditional timber buildings in the Alpine region. The attempt to develop timber architecture in the spirit of modernism in the 20th century was not very successful. The proportion of timber in total building volume decreased significantly. In recent decades, Swiss timber construction, which is now highly technologised, has repositioned itself, and architecture and structural planning have come closer together and realised remarkable, pioneering projects. Timber construction is now the subject of urban spaces and must find new forms accordingly. The approaches to these new forms have so far been very different. Answering the question “What characterises timber construction?” therefore appears to be a key to the visibility and success of a forward-looking Swiss timber construction culture.